MA3D1 – Fluid Dynamics and MA4L0 – Advanced Topics in Fluids Lecture notes

Chapter 10 Lubrication Theory

Lubrication theory is used to describe fluid flows in a geometry where the characteristic lengthscale in one dimension is significantly smaller than the others. Lubrication theory is important for understanding lubrication of components in machinery such as a fluid bearing, and in biological fluid dynamics such as understanding the flow of red blood cells in narrow capillaries.

Figure 10.1: (a) Thrust bearing. (b) Red blood cells flowing in a capillary.

10.1 Lubrication approximation for flow in a thin layer

Let H be a characteristic vertical lengthscale and L be a characteristic horizontal lengthscale in the direction of fluid flow. In the lubrication approximation we assume the layer is shallow such that

ϵ=H/L1. (10.1)
Figure 10.2: Sketch of flow in a thin layer.

In addition, let U be the scale of the horizontal velocity u (in the direction of fluid flow). From incompressibility (𝒖=0) we know that the vertical velocity v must scale as UH/L. Note, here we are assuming that the flow is two-dimensional with no dependence on the coordinate z out of the page (w=0). We will now non-dimensionalise the Navier-Stokes equations using these scales. As a recap here, refer back to chapter §4 on Dimensional Analysis.

We now introduce dimensionless variables (denoted by the tilde)

t=Tt~,x=Lx~,y=Hy~,u=Uu~,v=UHLv~,p=Pp~. (10.2)

For a Newtonian fluid, the equation for mass balance (see §2.8) becomes

u~x~+v~y~=0, (10.3)

owing to the choice of scalings for the the vertical velocity. The horizontal momentum equation (see §2.9) is

ρUTu~t~+ρU2L(u~u~x~+v~u~y~)=PLp~x~+μUL22u~x~2+μUH22u~y~2. (10.4)

Dividing by μU/H2, the equation becomes

H2νTu~t~+UH2νL(u~u~x~+v~u~y~)=PH2μULp~x~+H2L22u~x~2+2u~y~2. (10.5)

From this non-dimensional version of the equation we can see that inertia can be neglected if the modified Reynolds number based on H and L satisfies

ReH2L2=ULνH2L21, (10.6)

with timescale T=L/U. Choosing pressure scale P=μUL/H2, the horizontal momentum equation can finally be approximated as

0=p~x~+2u~y~2. (10.7)

Using these scales for the pressure and time we can repeat the non-dimensionalisation for the vertical momentum equation:

UHνH3L3(v~t~+u~v~x~+v~v~y~)=p~y~+H4L42v~x~2+H2L22v~y~2. (10.8)

We find that to leading order (setting ϵ=H/L=0) inertia can be neglected and the pressure is independent of vertical coordinate y~ i.e. p~=p~(x~,t~). Here, we have ignored any body forces such as gravity. If we were to include gravity we’d find the scaling of the vertical momentum equation implies that the pressure is hydrostatic (with P=ρgH and U=gH3/νL). We will come across this in some of the examples we cover later.

10.2 Squeeze flow

10.2.1 Thrust bearing

Let’s first consider the squeeze flow in a thrust bearing. Figure 10.3 shows the geometry and coordinate system where the bearing remains stationary and the plane underneath the fluid moves with horizontal velocity U. The fluid film wedge generates a hydrodynamic pressure that supports an applied load on the bearing with a small tangential force for good lubrication. We would like to calculate the pressure in the fluid and hence the forces exerted on the bearing by the fluid. To solve the lubrication problem we: describe the geometry, solve for (almost) unidirectional flow, apply mass conservation to close the system, and calculate quantities of interest in this case the forces on the bearing.

Figure 10.3: Thrust bearing geometry

Geometry The fluid film thickness is given by the geometry of the bearing

h(x)=H1+αxwhereα=H2H1L. (10.9)

For the thin film approximation we require hL. This means that the gradient of the bearing is also small, |h|=α1, and flow is predominantly in the x direction.

Unidirectional flow Given that the flow is approximately in the x direction we can write the velocity as 𝒖=(u,0,0). The momentum equations are then

0=px+μ2uy2and0=py. (10.10)

The y-momentum balance tells us that the pressure is independent of y. If p is independent of y then p/x must also be independent of y. Hence, we can integrate the x-momentum balance twice:

u=12μdpdxy2+Ay+Bu=12μdpdxy(hy)U(hy)h, (10.11)

using the boundary conditions u|y=0=U and u|y=h=0 since the underlying plane is moving and the bearing is stationary (and we have assumed no-slip on both surfaces). The final quantity to determine is the pressure gradient dp/dx.

Mass conservation In order to calculate the pressure (and pressure gradient) we can use global mass conservation and boundary conditions on the pressure. By global mass conservation we know that the volume flux (per unit z-width) must be constant. We also assume that away from the bearing the pressure must be atmospheric, p=p0 at x=0,L. In more detail:

Q =0hudy=h312μdpdxUh2=constdpdx=12μQh36μUh2. (10.12)

Integrating the pressure and applying the boundary conditions at x=0 gives

p=p0+6μQα(1h21H12)+6μUα(1h1H1). (10.13)

Applying the boundary condition at x=L allows us to determine the constant volume flux Q:

p0=p0+6μQα(1H221H12)+6μUα(1H21H1)Q=UH1H2H1+H2. (10.14)

The volume flux Q and the pressure p could then be substituted back into the expression for the horizontal velocity u. The pressure gradient generated by the lubrication flow ensures that the mass flow is constant through the narrow gap. From x=0 the pressure increases up to a maximum when dp/dx is zero. The pressure then decreases again to match the atmospheric pressure at x=L.

dpdx=0U=2Qhandh=2H1H2H1+H2. (10.15)

The pressure field is plotted for different angle bearings in figure 10.4. In a similar manner, we could look at what the tangential stress on the boundaries is by calculating μu/y at y=0,h.

Refer to caption
Figure 10.4: Plot of the non-dimensional pressure for αLH1=0.1, 0.2,1 (red to blue). The stars indicate the maximum pressure in the fluid layer. Inset shows the corresponding non-dimensional geometry of the bearing.

Forces A thrust bearing is supposed to support high applied loads with reduced friction. To see when this is the case we can calculate the force on the boundaries per unit z-width:

0L𝑻𝒏dx, (10.16)


𝑻=p𝑰+μ(𝒖+𝒖T)(pμuy0μuyp000p), (10.20)

where we have kept only the leading order terms [u/xv/yϵu/y]. The normal vector is

𝒏={(0,1,0)y=0(h,1,0)/(1+h2)1/2y=h. (10.23)

Remember, a normal vector to a plane specified f=ax+by+cz+d=0 is given by f. The unit normal vector is then defined as 𝒏=f/|f|. For the bearing, the boundary is f=yh=0. Hence, the unit normal is given by

𝒏=(yh)/|(yh)|=(x,y,z)(yh)/|(yh)|=(h,1,0)/(1+h2)1/2. (10.24)

The normal force (above atmospheric pressure) is

0L𝒚^𝑻𝒏p0dx=0Lpp0dx==6μUα2[log(H2H1)2(H2H1)H1+H2]. (10.25)

Similarly, we can calculate the tangential force:

0L𝒙^𝑻𝒏dx=0Lμuydx==4μUα[log(H2H1)3(H2H1)2(H1+H2)]. (10.26)

It would be a good exercise to check these! In the thin film limit |h|=α1, the normal force is much larger than the tangential force, and hence this is a low friction bearing.

10.2.2 Cylinder approaching a wall

The second squeeze flow problem we will consider is a cylinder approaching a wall. We will carry out a similar procedure to the previous problem. Figure 10.5 shows the geometry of the problem. A cylinder of radius a falls vertically towards a horizontal plane with minimum gap d(t) between the cylinder and the plane, where da in the thin film limit. There are non-slip boundary conditions on the cylinder and on the plane.

Figure 10.5: Cylinder geometry

Geometry The height of the fluid underneath the cylinder in the limit of θ1 (x/a=sinθθ,cosθ1θ2/2) is

h(x)=d+a(1cosθ)d+aθ22d+x22a=d(1+x22ad). (10.27)

This expression for the height gives the horizontal lengthscale in the problem Lad. This lengthscale is much smaller than the radius of the cylinder (ada) so is consistent with the approximation of θ1. This lengthscale is also much larger than the minimum gap (add) so the flow is in the thin film limit and can be approximated as unidirectional.

Unidirectional flow Following the same method as for the thrust bearing, we can write the unidirectional flow horizontal velocity as

u=12μdpdxy(hy). (10.28)

Mass conservation The total volume flux (per unit z-width) is given by

Q =0hudy=h312μdpdx (10.29)

Since the vertical velocity of the cylinder is d˙ we know the volume leaving a region [0,x] per unit time is d˙x [where d/dt(0xh(u,t)du)=d˙x]. This must be equivalent to the volume flux. Hence, Q=d˙x and

dpdx=12μd˙d3x(1+x22ad)3p(x)=p06μd˙ad2(1+x22ad)2, (10.30)

using the boundary condition pp0 and x.

Forces As in the case of the thrust bearing, the normal force per unit-z width (above atmospheric pressure) is

F=pp0dx=6μd˙ad22ad1(1+X2)2dX=6μd˙ad22adπ2=32πμd˙(ad)3/2. (10.31)

If the cylinder is sedimenting under gravity we know that F=mg= constant. Substituting this in we find

d˙d3/2dt2. (10.32)

Hence, the cylinder does not reach the wall in finite time.

10.3 Free surface flow

In the previous two problems we have considered the squeeze flow between two surfaces where the boundary condition on each surface is no-slip (i.e. the velocity parallel, or approximately parallel, to the surface is zero). In this next section, we will consider free surface flows where we remove one surface so the fluid is ‘free’ to move and its location needs to be determined as part of the problem. In particular, we will consider the shape of a drop on a horizontal plane controlled by either capillary or gravitational forces. To understand when these forces are applicable we will first introduce the idea of surface tension.

10.3.1 Surface Tension

Surface tension is a property of a free surface which appears due to the asymmetry of intermolecular forces acting in the interfacial region (typically of nanometric width). As one goes to smaller length scales, surface forces (L2) begin to dominate volume forces (L3). In particular, the surface tension force typically begins to dominate gravity when the length scale goes below millimetres-cm.

Refer to caption
Refer to caption
Figure 10.6: The tension of a liquid’s surface allows water striders to ‘walk on water’ and causes liquids to rise up narrow gaps, through capillary action (here there is a liquid-solid surface tension also).

In the general case, for a free surface between a viscous liquid and a second viscous fluid (gas or liquid), if we assume that the velocity is continuous across the interface, there are 4 boundary conditions required for the 4 unknowns (3 velocities, which are not fixed, and 1 variable representing the free surface shape). These are provided by kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions.

Kinematic Boundary Condition Consider a free surface given in implicit form as f(𝐱,t)=0 with f<0 corresponding to fluid 1 and f>0 corresponding to fluid 2. The free surface moves with the velocity of the fluid, so that fluid particles which begin on the free surface remain there. In other words, the surface ‘follows the fluid’. This means that we have conservation of f along the fluid paths of the surface particles, i.e. the material derivative of f is zero:

Dtf=(t+(𝐮))f(𝐱,t)=0. (10.33)

E.g. For a two-dimensional flow, suppose the free surface is defined as y=h(x,t). Then f(x,y,t)=yh(x,t). At the free surface we have f=0 and a unit normal vector 𝐧=(xh,1)/1+(xh)2 which point out of fluid 1. For f(x,y,t)=yh(x,t) so that f=(xh,1) we find that

th+(ux+vy)(yh(x,t))=0so thatth+uxh=v. (10.34)

Dynamic Boundary Condition To obtain a dynamic boundary condition, one applies Newton’s II Law to the surface (an interface) separating the two fluids. Because there is no mass to the surface (m𝐚=𝟎 and external body forces are negligible), the forces acting on the surface from either side, i.e. caused by the stresses from the two fluids, must balance with any forces that occur from inside the interface.

To calculate the forces from inside the interface we will be interested in surface tension. Surface tension acts like an elastic membrane on the surface of a liquid and forces it to attempt to minimise its area (crudely, this is because it is energetically favourable for molecules to be in the bulk of the liquid, rather than at its surface). This force is responsible for a whole host of effects ranging from the suspension of small objects (e.g. water striders) through to the breakup of liquid jets (e.g. from a tap in a kitchen), which occurs when the liquid can reduce its surface area by forming a series of spheres (drops) rather than one cylinder (the jet), see figure 10.6. Problems involving surface tension are known as capillary flows.

The surface tension force γ (taken to be constant here), per unit length of line, is directed tangentially along the surface which is parameterised by coordinates (s1,s2) with tangent vectors in these directions (𝐭1,𝐭2). Our control volume will have ‘lower edge’ at (s10,s20) and now has a surface tension force tugging at all four ends in the tangential direction.

Figure 10.7: Forces acting on a control volume located at the interface. The stress from the two liquids act on the faces of the volume, which have area δs2, and the surface tension, which acts on acts on a line, tugs on the four ends of length δs (the height of the control volume is considered negligible). The interface is parameterised by coordinates (s1,s2) and the control volume’s ‘lower corner’ is at (s10,s20).

Consider a control volume of length and width along the interface equal to δs whose height is negligible compared to δs, see figure 10.7. This gives a force balance of


at f=0. Dividing through by δs2 and taking the limit δs0 we find that

(𝐓+𝐓)𝐧=[𝐓𝐧]+=γ(𝐭1s1+𝐭2s2)γκ𝐧atf=0. (10.35)

where we have defined the curvature of the interface κ using

κ𝐧=(𝐭1s1+𝐭2s2)orκ=[(𝑰𝐧𝐧)]𝐧s𝐧. (10.36)

To arrive at this expression we know that 𝐭1𝐧=0 and 𝐭2𝐧=0. Differentiating with respect to interface coordinates (s1,s2) gives

𝐭1s1𝐧+𝐭1𝐧s1=0and𝐭2s2𝐧+𝐭2𝐧s2=0 (10.37)
κ=(𝐭1s1+𝐭2s2)𝐧=𝐭1𝐧s1+𝐭2𝐧s2=s𝐧. (10.38)

This can be simplified further by noting that 𝐧(𝐧)𝐧=0. Hence, the curvature can be written as

κ=s𝐧=𝐧. (10.39)

10.3.2 Bond number

We have seen from equation (10.35) that the stresses tangential to the interface are continuous, whereas the normal stress has a jump caused by the surface tension force γκ. Hence, the pressure generated by surface tension is of the order γ/L, where L is a characteristic lengthscale in the problem which is approximately the radius of curvature of our interface. Therefore, capillary forces will be important when this is comparable to the pressure generated by gravitational forces, i.e. the hydrostatic pressure ρgL which occurs when

Bo=ρgL2γ=1i.e. whenLγ=γ/(ρg), (10.40)

where Lγ is known as the capillary length and Bo is the Bond number. For water in air, where γ=0.07 N/m, we have Lγ=3 mm. Therefore, for large scale flows, such as sea waves, surface tension has no effect, but for small scale flows, such as those encountered in micro and nanofluidics, its importance far outweighs that of gravity.

10.3.3 Capillary number

In many cases, we are interested in knowing the shape of a liquid drop or bubble whose flow has negligible force in comparison to the surface tension forces. In the latter case, for low Reynolds number flows, where viscous forces dominate inertial ones, looking at the dynamic boundary condition we can see that the viscous force has magnitude μU/L whilst the surface tension force is γ/L. The ratio of these forces gives the capillary number:

Ca=μUγ (10.41)

and when Ca1 the flow within the drop has a negligible effect on the free surface, so that the shape can be calculated independently of the flow (a huge simplification).

10.3.4 Capillary drop

Figure 10.8: Two-dimensional capillary drop

Let’s consider a liquid drop sat on a horizontal surface. For simplicity, let’s consider a two-dimensional drop pinned at x=±X where h(±X,t)=0, see figure 10.8. In the limit of small capillary number Ca1, we can neglect the stress in the drop and calculate the shape of the drop from the dynamic boundary condition:

pp+=γ𝐧atf=0. (10.42)

This is known as the Young-Laplace equation. We can parametrise the free surface in terms of a height function y=h(x), so that f=yh(x,t), see figure 10.8. Then

𝐧=(hx,1)(1+hx2)and𝐧=nxx+nyy=hxx(1+hx2)3/2. (10.43)

From our y-momentum equation we find the pressure in the fluid is hydrostatic p=p0ρgy. We assume the ambient fluid has a uniform pressure p+=p0+. Substituting these into the dynamic boundary condition (10.42) gives

Pρgh=γ𝐧atf=0. (10.44)

where P=p0+p0 is the (constant) pressure drop across the interface. Hence,

Pρgh=γhxx(1+hx2)3/2aty=h(x,t). (10.45)

This is a second order PDE for h and hence we must specify a boundary condition on h or its derivative at each end of the free surface. On top of this one either needs to specify the pressure drop P or, more often, the volume of the liquid which can then be used to find P.

In the lubrication limit hx1 for small bond numbers Bo1, this reduces to

P=γd2hdx2 (10.46)

with solution a parabola

h=P2γ(X2x2), (10.47)

where we have the used the pinned boundary condition h(±X,t)=0. We see that for meaningful solutions we need P<0 as P represents the pressure in the gas minus the pressure in the liquid (which we expect to be higher for a drop, due to surface tension). If we calculate the volume of the drop V we can see how the pressure and volume of the drop are related:

V=20XP2γ(X2x2)dx=2PX33γP=3γV2X3. (10.48)

In this solution we assumed the drop was pinned at points x=±X. This is known as a pinned contact line. An alternative boundary condition would be to prescribe the contact angle θ, the angle at which the free surface meets the horizontal plane, see figure 10.8. This then gives a boundary condition on the gradient hx=±tanθ at x=±X. In this case the position of the contact line would be found as part of the solution.

The prescribed contact angle will depend on the liquid-solid-gas combination in question: if the solid is ‘wettable’ (aka hydrophilic for water) this angle will be small (i.e. close to zero), so the drop spreads out a lot (e.g. water on glass), whereas if the angle is high (close to 180) then the solid is non-wettable (aka hydrophobic) and the drop beads up (e.g. water on a lotus leaf).

10.3.5 Gravitational spreading

When the lengthscale of the liquid drop becomes large, gravitational forces begin to dominate over capillary forces (large Bond number) and viscous forces begin to dominate over surface tension (large capillary number). We can therefore neglect the jump in the normal stress at the free surface but now need to calculate the flow within the fluid. Let’s consider the shape of an axisymmetric drop on a horizontal surface under the influence of gravity, or equivalently, let’s consider the axisymmetric, gravitational spreading of a thin film layer on a horizontal surface, see figure 10.9.

Figure 10.9: Axisymmetric spreading of a thin film

Geometry Unlike the squeeze flow problems, the geometry is unknown and will be determined as part of the solution. In addition, we are now in a cylindrical polar coordinate system. We write the surface of the thin-film as

z=h(r,t), (10.49)

where z is the vertical coordinate, and r in the radial coordinate parallel to the horizontal plane.

Unidirectional flow In the thin film limit |h/r|1 so the flow is predominantly in the r direction. We can write the velocity as 𝒖=(ur,uθ,uz)=(u,0,0). The r- and z-momentum equations are then

0=pr+μ2uz2and0=pzρg. (10.50)

[Note, here we have taken the lubrication approximation of the Stokes equations written in cylindrical polar coordinates. In this case, the two-dimensional version is the same if we replace rx and zy.] We have also now introduced body force 𝒇=ρgz^. Integrating the z-momentum equation and applying boundary condition p(h,t)=p0 gives

p=p0+ρg(hz). (10.51)

Hence, the pressure in the fluid film is hydrostatic. Substituting this into the r-momentum equation we have

μ2uz2=ρghr. (10.52)

The right-hand side is independent of z so the flow is driven by the slope of the free-surface. The boundary conditions on the no-slip underlying plane and the free surface are:

u|z=0=0andμuz|z=h=0. (10.53)

The second condition here is the dynamic boundary condition. Because we are considering large capillary numbers there is no jump in stress at the boundary (and the ambient fluid is assumed to have a negligible viscosity). Hence, we find the shear stress must be zero at the free surface.

Finally, integrating the momentum equation and applying the boundary conditions gives radial velocity profile

u=ρg2μhrz(2hz). (10.54)
Figure 10.10: Volume flux in to and out of a cylindrical annulus

Mass conservation For mass conservation we consider a cylindrical annulus from rr+δr, see figure 10.10. The volume of fluid entering the annulus at radius r per unit time is Q(r), where Q is the radial volume flux. Similarly, the volume of fluid leaving the annulus at radius r+δr is Q(r+δr). In addition, because the top surface is able to move volume can also leave the annulus vertically at a rate per unit time of (2πrδr)w=(2πrδr)h/t. Here, I have used kinematic boundary condition h/t=w, which is valid when h/r1. Equating these volumes to ensure volume conservation gives

(2πrδr)ht+Q(r+δr)=Q(r)2πrht+Qr=0asδr0. (10.55)

[Note, the 2πr is present because we need to think about the volume flux in to and out of the entire annulus. If we were in a two-dimensional geometry, we could ignore this factor and then replace rx.] As before, we can calculate the volume flux by considering the flux out of a cylinder of radius r:

Q(r)=02π0hurdzdθ=2πr0hudz=2πg3νh3rhr, (10.56)

where we have used surface element dS=rdzdθ in a surface of constant radius r. Substituting this flux into the mass conservation equation gives

ht=g3ν1rr(rh3hr). (10.57)

We now need to solve this Partial Differential Equation (PDE) for the free boundary z=h. As an aside, let’s integrate the PDE in r between 0 and the boundary r=R(t) where h(R,t)=0 (it’ll be clear why in a moment):

0R(t)rhtdr =0R(t)g3νr(rh3hr)dr, (10.58)
ddt0R(t)rhdrR˙(t)hr|r=R=0 =[g3νrh3hr]0R(t)=0. (10.59)

The second term on the left-hand side is zero because the film has zero height at the edge, h(R,t)=0. The right-hand side is zero because the flux at the centre and the edge is zero, Q(0)=Q(R)=0. Therefore, the volume of the drop is constant:

V=02π0R(t)0h(r,t)rdzdrdθ02π0R(t)rhdrdθ=2π0R(t)rhdr=constant, (10.60)

where we have used volume element dV=rdzdrdθ in cylindrical polar coordinates. If instead, we were able to introduce fluid at the centre of the flow with some non-zero volume flux we would have condition QQ0 as r0 and V=Q0t.

Solving for the free boundary

We would like to solve the following PDE (non-linear diffusion equation) subject to the global constraint that the volume is constant:

ht=g3ν1rr(rh3hr),h(R,t)=0,andV=2π0R(t)rhdr. (10.61)

Scaling the equation of motion and global mass conservation using characteristic height, radial and time scales H,R and T gives

HTgH4νR2andVhR2, (10.62)

which can be rearranged to

H(νVgT)1/4andR(gV3Tν)1/8. (10.63)

Since there are no more scales in the problem (assuming the initial condition was a sufficiently long ago to be irrelevant) it suggests we such look for a similarity solution of the form

h(r,t)=(νV/gt)1/4H(η)whereηr/(gV3t/ν)1/8 (10.64)

with the edge of the film at ηN=R/(gV3t/ν)1/8. These solutions are self-similar which means that by appropriately scaling the radius and height of the film by a power of t the time evolution of the current falls onto a universal curve (we’ll plot the solution up later to show this more clearly). Let’s substitute this ansatz into the PDE and constraints. With some algebra with arrive at:

14H18ηH=13η(ηH3H),H(ηN)=0,and1=2π0ηNηHdη, (10.65)

where the prime denotes differentiation w.r.t η. The power of this type of solution is that we’ve turned a PDE into an ODE for H(η) which is significantly easier to solve. We can now make progress with the ODE as follows:

18(2ηH+η2H) =13(ηH3H) (10.66)
18(η2H) =13(ηH3H) (10.67)
18η2H =13ηH3H+const.=0 (10.68)

since we want H(ηN)=0. Integrating again we get

19H3=116(ηN2η2). (10.69)

Finally, applying our volume constraint we can determine ηN and hence solution

H=(916(ηN2η2))1/3whereηN=(21035π3)1/8, (10.70)

or equivalently

h=(νVgt)1/4(9ηN216(1r2R2))1/3,R(t)=ηN(gV3tν)1/8. (10.71)

Figure 10.11 plots the solution to demonstrate the self-similar behaviour.

Refer to caption
Figure 10.11: Height versus radius in similarity variables H and η and rescaled variables h and r for 1t10 (increasing time from blue to red).

Shape of the nose

To investigate the shape of the nose we let h=A(Rr)α. Substituting into the governing equation when rR gives

Aα(Rr)α1R˙ =g3ν1Rr(RA3(Rr)3αAα()(Rr)α1) (10.72)
=g3νA4α(4α1)(Rr)4α2. (10.73)

Matching the powers of Rr gives α=1/3. The shape of the nose is then h=A(Rr)1/3. The gradient h/r is therefore singular at the nose, but not too singular that the flux boundary condition Q(rR)0 is still satisfied.

10.3.6 Gravitational spreading down an inclined plane

Let’s now consider the shape of a two-dimensional drop spreading down an inclined plane of slope θ. x is the downslope coordinate and y is the vertical coordinate perpendicular to the slope. The body force is then 𝐟=ρg(sinθ,cosθ). The fluid is released from a fixed point such that h(0,t)=0 and the ambient has constant pressure p0.

The Lubrication approximation is then

0=px+μ2uy2+ρgsinθ,0=pyρgcosθ. (10.74)

Integrating the y-momentum equation gives hydrostatic pressure p=p0+ρgcosθ(hy). Calculating the velocity field, integrating across the depth to get the volume flux, and applying mass conservation, we arrive at evolution equation

ht+gsinθ3νh3x=gcosθ3νx(h3hx). (10.75)

A similarity solution does not exist for the full governing equation. Instead we will consider one particular limit.

Problem: Let’s consider a constant volume release A (per cross-slope distance) of viscous fluid at x=0 such that h(0,t)=0. After a long time the nose (or front) of the current has travelled a distance XN(t)(Acotθ)1/2. We want to find a similarity solution for h(x,t). The volume constraint can be written as

A=0XNhdxAHX,HAX. (10.76)

Scaling the evolution equation to look for the dominant terms gives

HT:gsinθ3νH3X:gcosθ3νH4X2 (10.77)
1T:gsinθ3νA2X3:gcosθ3νA3X5 (10.78)
3νgsinθX5A2T:X2:Acotθ (10.79)

Looking at the relative size of the terms, for XN(t)(Acotθ)1/2, we can neglect the RHS of the evolution equation. The system we want to solve is then

ht+gsinθ3νh3x=0,A=0XNhdx,h(0,t)=0. (10.80)

Scaling the remainder of the equations suggest the following scales for the vertical and horizontal coordinates

H(νAgsinθT)1/3andX(gsinθA2Tν)1/3. (10.81)

Given these scales we will look for a similarity solution of the form

h=(νAgsinθt)1/3H(η),η=x(gsinθA2tν)1/3. (10.82)

The governing equations then become

13H13ηH+13(H3)=0,1=0ηNHdη,H(0)=0. (10.83)

Integrating gives H=η1/2 we can then determine the nose position

1=0ηNη1/2dη=23ηN3/2ηN=(32)2/3. (10.84)

The similarity solution is then

h=(νAgsinθt)1/3[x(gsinθA2tν)1/3]1/2=(νgsinθ)1/2x1/2t1/2,XN(t)=(32)2/3(gsinθA2tν)1/3. (10.85)

We can see from the similarity solution that the thickness is finite at the front h(XN,t)=hN0. This is because we have neglected a term in the evolution equation which becomes important when you are near the front. To find the shape of the front (how this jump in the thickness is rounded off) we can substitute in h=B(XNx)β into the evolution equation. This gives two possible values for β=1, 1/3 (assuming the neglected term is one of the scales). We know we need to match onto the finite thickness height so must have a cube-root singularity at the nose. This just says that at the nose, the first term on the LHS and the term on the RHS dominate. Alternatively, we could pose ansatz h=hNf(XNx) where f has some unknown functional form to be determined and hN is the thickness at the front and solve for f using the full equation.