MA3D1 – Fluid Dynamics and MA4L0 – Advanced Topics in Fluids Lecture notes

Chapter 12 Hydrodynamic Instability

Many steady lamina flows at high Re1 are unstable - they can often break down into turbulent-time-dependent flows with many spatial scales. The idea is to start with a steady base flow and add small perturbations. We will then look to see if these perturbations grow or decay. We will focus on linearised perturbations so ignore non-linear terms such as quadratic and higher orders. This is called a linear stability analysis. In particular, in this chapter we will consider two instabilities: the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and the Rayleigh-Plateau instability. Low Re1 can also be unstable. We will show this by considering the viscous analogue of the Rayleigh-Plateau instability.

12.1 The Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability

In this section we consider the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of plane-parallel shear flow. It is this instability that is responsible for patterns observed in clouds when two air volumes move past each other with different horizontal velocities, see figure 12.1.

Refer to caption
Figure 12.1: (a) Kelvin-Helmholtz instability marked by a cloud located at the interface of two air volumes moving with different horizontal velocities.

Base state
Let’s consider a plane-parallel shear flow with a velocity profile that has a tangential discontinuity:

𝒖=(U1,0)fory>0and𝒖=(U2,0)fory<0, (12.1)

see figure 12.2. We will ignore the thin viscous boundary layer which smoothes out the velocity discontinuity. The base state is a stationary solution of Euler’s equation.

Refer to caption
Figure 12.2: Sketch of a shear flow with a perturbation at the interface.

Perturbed state
We set up a perturbation to the system by perturbing the interface between the two layers. We are ignoring viscosity so the flow is inviscid. The initial condition is irrotational so the flow must be irrotational for all time. Hence, the perturbations will be of the form 𝒖^=ϕ for potential flow:

𝒖=(U1,0)+ϕ1fory>ηand𝒖=(U2,0)+ϕ2fory<η, (12.2)

where η(x,t) is the perturbed interface and the perturbed pressure is p=p0+p1 for y>η and p=p0+p2 for y<η. From mass conservation 𝒖=0 we have

2ϕ1=0fory>ηand2ϕ2=0fory<η (12.3)

There are boundary conditions at the interface and at infinity. At infinity we have the perturbations decaying and the pressure tending to a constant p0. Hence

ϕ1,ϕ20andpp0asy±. (12.4)

At the interface we have kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions. Our kinematic boundary condition states that y=η(x,t) remains a material surface, i.e. Dt(ηy)=0:

t(ηy)+(𝒖)(ηy)= 0 (12.5)
ηt+(U+ϕx)ηxϕy= 0 (12.6)
ηt+Uηxϕy= 0aty=η, (12.7)

where we have only kept terms linear in the perturbation variables. To simplify the boundary condition further we expand about the interface y=η using Taylor series

ϕy|y=η=ϕy|y=0+η2ϕy2|y=0+12η23ϕy3|y=0+ (12.8)

We can ignore all but the first term as the others are quadratic or higher order. The two boundary conditions are then

ηt+U1ηx= ϕ1y|y=0+ (12.9)
ηt+U2ηx= ϕ2y|y=0. (12.10)

N.B. because of the discontinuity in the base state, the perturbation to the vertical velocity ϕ/y is not continuous at y=0. The dynamic boundary condition for an inviscid flow gives that the pressure must be continuous at y=η, i.e. p1=p2. To obtain the pressure at the interface we apply Bernoulli’s equation for a time-dependent irrotational flow:

ρϕt+12ρ|𝒖|2+p+ρgy=f(t)aty=η, (12.11)

where |𝒖|2=U2+2Uϕ/x+|ϕ|2. After expanding about the interface y=η using Taylor series, Bernoulli’s equation gives

ϕ1t+U1ϕ1x=ϕ2t+U2ϕ2x. (12.12)

N.B. we have assumed the density of the two layers is the same, ρ1=ρ2=ρ, we have taken f(t)=12U1,22+p0 from the far field conditions, and we have ignored the influence of gravity.

The governing equations involve /x,/t and no special values of x,t (unlike /y with special value y=0), so we can Fourier transform in x,t and look for perturbations of the form

eikx+σt, (12.13)

with wavenumber k (wavelength 2π/k) and growth rate σ, which might be complex. Re(σ)>0 gives growth and Im(σ) gives propagation. Let the interface be of the form

η(x,t)=Aeikx+σt, (12.14)

with A constant, and velocity potentials

ϕ1=ϕ^1(y)eikx+σt,ϕ2=ϕ^2(y)eikx+σt. (12.15)

Substituting this form into Laplace’s equation gives

2ϕ=0k2ϕ^eikx+σt+2ϕ^y2eikx+σt=0ϕ^=e±ky. (12.16)

Applying boundary conditions at ±, the velocity potentials are then

ϕ1=Beikx+σtekyfory>ηandϕ2=Ceikx+σtekyfory<η. (12.17)

Using kinematic conditions (12.9-12.10) and dynamic boundary condition (12.12) we have three equations involving A,B,C and σ as a function of the wavenumber k:

(σ+ikU1)A= kB (12.18)
(σ+ikU2)A= kC (12.19)
(σ+ikU1)B= (σ+ikU2)C (12.20)
σ= ik(U1+U2)2±k(U1U2)2. (12.21)

Hence, the disturbance varies as

eik[x12(U1+U2)](1)e±k2(U1U2)t(2), (12.22)
  1. 1.

    disturbance propagates at the average velocity

  2. 2.

    decaying and growing mode flow is unstable because there is some growing disturbance

12.2 The Rayleigh-Plateau Instability

In this section we consider the Rayleigh-Plateau instability of a cylinder of inviscid fluid bounded by surface tension. It is this instability that is responsible for the break up of a water thread falling from a kitchen tap, see figure 12.3.

Refer to caption
Refer to caption
Figure 12.3: (a) Surface tension instability of an inviscid thread falling under gravity. (b) Plot of growth rate σ/(γ/ρR03) against wavenumber kR0.

Base state
For the equilibrium base state we have an infinitely long quiescent (𝒖=(ur,uθ,uz)=(0,0,0)) inviscid cylinder of radius of R0, density ρ and surface tension γ, see figure 12.3. For simplicity we will ignore the influence of gravity. The pressure in the cylinder is constant given by p0. The kinematic boundary condition at the free surface f=rR0=0, 𝐧=(1,0,0), is

Dtf=(t+(𝐮))f(𝐱,t)=0t(R0)=0R0=const (12.23)

and the dynamic boundary condition is

[𝐓𝐧]+=γ(𝐧)𝐧p0𝐧=γR0𝐧p0=γR0, (12.24)

where (𝐧)=1/r.

Perturbed state
We consider small axisymmetric perturbations to the cylinder of the form

R=R0+ϵR~eσt+ikz, (12.25)

where σ is the growth rate of the instability, and k is the wavenumber along the cylinder (z-direction) and the amplitude ϵR0. In addition, we write perturbations to the velocities and pressure in the form

(ur,uz,p)=(0,0,p0)+ϵ(u~r(r),u~z(r),p~(r))eσt+ikz, (12.26)

Because the perturbation is small relative to the base state, the governing equations can be linearised. Substituting these perturbation fields into the conservation of momentum equations and only keeping terms of O(ϵ) we have

ρurt= pr, (12.27)
ρuzt= pz, (12.28)

where we have neglected non-linear terms 𝒖𝒖O(ϵ2). N.B. for an inviscid cylinder μ=0. In a similar manner, mass conservation gives

1rr(urr)+uzz=0. (12.29)

Substituting the form of the perturbation (12.26) into these equations gives a set of coupled ODEs for (u~r,u~z,p~)

ρσu~r= dp~dr (12.30)
ρσu~z= ikp~ (12.31)
du~rdr+u~rr+iku~z=  0. (12.32)

Rearranging these equations gives a second order ODE for u~r:

r2d2u~rdr2+rdu~rdr(1+(kr)2)u~r=0. (12.33)

This corresponds to the modified Bessel Equation of order 1, whose solutions may be written in terms of the modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively, I1(kr) and K1(kr).

 A quick note on modified Bessel functions. Iα(x) and Kα(x) are the two linearly independent solutions to the modified Bessel’s equation

x2d2ydx2+xdydx(x2+α2)y=0. (12.34)

Iα and Kα are exponentially growing and decaying functions, respectively, with properties Iα(x),Kα(x)>0 for x>0, Iα0 as x0 for α>0 and Kα diverges as x0. Iα also has the property that I0(x)=I1(x) and (xI1(x))=xI0(x).  

Since we want a well-behaved solution at r=0 we have

u~r=AI1(kr), (12.35)

where A is a constant to be determined using boundary conditions. Using the properties of the modified Bessel functions as stated above, we can also write

p~=AρσkI0(kr)andu~z=ikρσp~. (12.36)

We can now apply the kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions to the perturbed system. The linearised kinematic boundary condition gives

ur|r=R0=RtA=R~σI1(kR0). (12.37)

Similarily, for the linearised dynamic boundary condition

𝒏^=(rR)|(rR)|(1,0,ϵR~ikeσt+ikz)𝒏^|r=R01R0ϵR~R02(1k2R02)eσt+ikz (12.38)
p0+ϵp~|r=R0eσt+ikz=γ(1R0ϵR~R02(1k2R02)eσt+ikz)p~|r=R0=R~γR02(1k2R02). (12.39)

Substituting in the solution for the perturbed pressure gives a dispersion relation for the growth rate σ:

σ2=kγρR02I1(kR0)I0(kR0)(1k2R02)=kR0γρR03I1(kR0)I0(kR0)(1k2R02) (12.40)

For the perturbation to grow we require the growth rate to be real (and positive). This is only the case when kR0<1, since I1(kR0),I0(kR0)>0. Hence, the cylinder needs to be thinner than 1/k for the mode with wavenumber k to be unstable. In other words, the cylinder is unstable to disturbances whose wavelengths exceed the circumference of the cylinder. There exists a maximum growth rate in the interval 0<kR0<1, see figure 12.3. Numerically, we find this occurs when

kR00.697,λmax9.02R0, (12.41)

where λmax is the corresponding wavelength that grows most quickly. This corresponds to a timescale of breakup of

t1σmax2.91ρR03γ. (12.42)

12.3 The Rayleigh Instability

In this section we consider the Rayleigh instability of a cylinder of viscous fluid bounded by surface tension.

Base state
The bases state is the same as in the inviscid case, with an infinitely long quiescent cylinder (𝒖=(ur,uθ,uz)=(0,0,0)) of constant radius R0, density ρ, viscosity μ, surface tension γ and pressure p0=γ/R0.

Perturbed state
We consider small axisymmetric perturbations to the cylinder of the form

R=R0+ϵR~eσt+ikz, (12.43)

where σ is the growth rate of the instability, and k is the wavenumber along the cylinder (z-direction) and the amplitude ϵR0. In addition, we write perturbations to the velocities and pressure in the form

(ur,uz,p)=(0,0,p0)+ϵ(u~r(r),u~z(r),p~(r))eσt+ikz. (12.44)

The kinematic condition gives u~r|r=R0=σR~, with curvature

𝒏^|r=R01R0ϵR~R02(1k2R02)eσt+ikz. (12.45)

Looking at final term in the curvature, we can see that the thread is stabilised by axial curvature, and destabilised by azimuthal curvature. Balancing these two terms shows that the system is unstable to long wavelengths k2R02<1. From the dynamic boundary condition we have a balance of tangential and normal stress at the interface. For the tangential stress [𝐧×𝐓𝐧]+=𝟎 we get

urz+uzr=0iku~r+du~zdr, (12.46)

on r=R0. For the normal stress [𝐧𝐓𝐧]+=γ(𝐧) we get

p+2μurr=γ(𝐧)p~+2μu~rr=γR~R02(1k2R02) (12.47)

on r=R0.

Governing equations
To solve for the Stokes flow inside the cylinder we want axisymmetric harmonic functions eikz. Using the Papkovich-Neuber representation, we write harmonic functions

χ=χ^(r)eikz+σt,𝚽=𝚽^eikz+σt=(Φ^r(r),0,Φ^z(r))eikz+σt. (12.48)
2χ=0r2d2χ^dr2+rdχ^drk2r2χ^=0. (12.49)

You will recognise this as the modified Bessel’s Equation of order 0. We want the solution to be well-behaved at r=0 so χ^/2μ=AI0(kr). Similarly, we have

2𝚽=𝟎2(Φ^reikz+σt)Φ^reikz+σt/r2=0,2(Φ^zeikz+σt)=0. (12.50)

Therefore, we have Φ^r/2μ=BI1(kr) and Φ^z/2μ=BI0(kr). We set C=0 otherwise (𝐱𝚽) has a term z. Substituting into the PN representation we have

2μ𝐮 =(𝐱𝚽+χ)2𝚽 (12.51)
=(rΦ^reikz+σt+χ^eikz+σt)2𝚽eikz+σt (12.52)
2μu~r =(rΦ^r+χ^)2Φ^r (12.53)
u~r =[BrI1(kr)+AI0(kr)]2BI1(kr) (12.54)
=AkI1(kr)+BkrI0(kr)2BI1(kr) (12.55)
2μu~z =(rΦ^r+χ^)ik (12.56)
u~z =(BrI1(kr)+AI0(kr))ik, (12.57)

together with the pressure

p=𝚽p~=1rddr(rΦ^r)=2μBr(rI1(kr))=2μBI0(kr), (12.58)

where we have used properties I0(x)=I1(x) and (xI1(x))=xI0(x). Substituting the form of the pressure, radial and vertical velocity into the kinematic, and dynamic boundary conditions (tangential and normal stress balance) gives dispersion relation

σ=γ2μR0(1k2R02)[I1(kR0)]2k2R02[I0(kR0)]2(1+k2R02)[I1(kR0)]2 (12.59)

(Lord Rayleigh, 1892). Expanding around x=0 (I0(x)1x2/4,I1(x)x/2+x3/16), we see that the most unstable disturbance is at k=0, where σ=γ/6μR0, infinite wavelength since this minimises the internal deformation. From the form of the dispersion relation we can see that the viscosity does not influence which wavelengths will be unstable, only acts to change the magnitude of the growth rate.

To understand when inertia can be neglected we will go through a scaling argument. To do so we will consider kR0=O(1) so the wavelength scales like the radius of the cylinder and there is only one length scale in the problem. Taking velocity scale U, lengthscale R0 and timescale 1/σ, we have

μUR0pγR0,UR0σ,σγμR0. (12.60)

Balancing terms in Navier-Stokes equations, we can neglect inertia provided

ρUTμUR02ργR0μ21. (12.61)

From this, we can define Ohnesorge number Oh=μ/ργR0 that relates viscous forces to inertial and surface forces. For low Oh (inertial), the time scale of breakup is tbreakup(ρR03/γ)1/2. At high Oh (viscous), the time scale of breakup is tbreakupμR0/γ.